Financial Freedom

May Commissions Report


First $30,000 Check

May, 2022—LoveBiome, after just four months of business, is pleased to announce its first $30,000+ check.

You don’t need further explanation. A leader just like you caught the vision, learned the message and plan, and in their fourth month earned a check in excess of $30,000. Their cumulative four-month earnings are over $90,000.

LoveBiome is built for everyone: beginners, builders and leaders.

Simple to understand and powerful when put into action.

Top Cumulative Incomes

Just a little four-month income update from LoveBiome: Our top five reps have already earned nearly $400,000 in commissions. And there’s still plenty of room at the top.

Top Leaders

The “Leader” title/position is the center of our plan. Leaders earn seven percent on the sixth level, and a share of the Dynamic Compression Bonus pool. This creates a nice jump in income for qualifiers.

Check out our top-five Leader incomes after just four months. Yeah, you read that right: four months.

More at the beginning, more in the middle and more at the top.

Top Builders

Our “Builder” title is a nice transition between Merchant and Leader. Builders learn to train their eye on their sixth levels, and they begin to get benefit there. Three legs and a total of 40 packs within six levels is the simple qualification.

Amazing income totals for that simple qualification.

Top Merchants

The “Merchant” title/position is the primary jumping off point in our plan. Merchants benefit from the entire 25 percent level one and two front-end incomes.

A merchant needs three legs and eight total packs thru six levels. So simple, so rewarding. Our first four-month period produced amazing Merchant Incomes.


Top Members

This is the simplest first position in our industry. To qualify, you simply must be a Daily 3 System customer. That’s it. Your reward? 15% on all your customers and 5% on theirs PLUS access to five levels of commissions.

Our front-end pay structure is serious. We put a full 25% at the front-end. It’s like a huge welcome mat at the door of opportunity with LoveBiome.

Welcome to the Era of the Microbiome.

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